You Are Good Enough...You Have Always Been Good Enough


 Have you ever felt like no matter how hard you tried at something, you felt you were never good enough? I know I use to feel this often. Growing up middle class in the country side of Indiana I was raised much like most of you may have been raised. I was raised with love, and taught to be respectful and work hard. I have done both for most of my life.

But even as a child I felt different, and sometimes inadequate. It makes total sense now that I am an awaken adult and don’t buy into the whole propaganda of the negative news, and that I eat super clean and want the best for my simple life. I bought into the system for a big part of my life though, and that is why I always felt some kind of inadequacy, or not belonging.

I was trying to conform to a society that I did not resonate with. Even as a child, I knew there was something more, that I was destined for great things, I just didn’t know what is was or how I was going to get there. 

Let’s jump ahead to my early twenties. At this point I had started my first company doing communication utility contracting ( climbing poles installing cable tv lines, trenching, digging holes, etc). This felt great for the longest time. I was working with my brother, we were working hard, making money and working toward the future it felt like. But something was still missing, I kept having the longing feeling to go somewhere and do something different. 

At this point in my life I had seen a lot of cool places in the United States from touring as the drummer for Chronic Chaos, a melodic punk band my best friend Chris, and my brother and I started in our teens. We are on iTunes for free if you want to check it out.

This was an Awesome time in my life, and I felt like I was in flow, like I was good enough, because I was. I was doing exactly what I was suppose to be doing at that time. 

I had the opportunity to move to Florida in my mid twenties, so I did. This felt good at first but I always had my reservations. I was home sick and drinking a lot with my new girlfriend, and not dealing with things well.

Something wasn’t resonating but I was to numb and sad to be able to tell what it was. I didn’t feel good enough, heck I wasn’t feeling much at all. 

In 2008 line work dried up in Florida so I went on the road building power lines, first stop Texas. I don’t remember much of this job as I was not happy to be there and I stayed numb for most of it, I didn’t deal much with life because it didn’t feel right, I didn’t feel good enough. 

This is how I finished my twenties and started my thirties, traveling around building power lines and staying numb. I was making a lot of money and buying things to keep myself distracted from looking within at my true self, if I did I would have to realized how truly off track my life really was. 

Throw in a marriage and a divorce and we end up at my mid thirties. I was overworked, numb, and something was about to give, and that something was my life. My body and mind were tired and were not going to put up with my bad decisions, my staying numb much longer.

One morning I woke up with a super bad hangover with bloodshot eyes and looked in the mirror. I stared at myself for about thirty minutes and knew if I didn’t decide to change at that moment that I was not going to wake up the next day.

My body was done, this was my final warning. So I listened. From that day forward I have tried to only do things that resonate with me, that I feel good enough to do.

Sometimes it takes a minute to figure that out, but that is the fun part bout living this life. You are not committed to anyone or anything, to any job etc if they bring you down, stress you out, and do not make you feel good enough about anything you are doing.

If someone is trying to bring you down or be negative to you, they are projecting their fears and issues onto you, remember that. If they cant level up to your knowing that you are good enough they will try to bring you down to their icky negative fear ridden level. You must be aware of this and not let them succeed. 

Try this exercise, repeat it as many times throughout the day as you need to. 

Close your eyes.

Think of a time in your life (childhood, teenage years, present day, whenever) when you didn’t feel good enough.,

With your eyes still closed, stand across from your then self.

Feel the pain that you were feeling then of not feeling good enough, acknowledge the pain, and let it go, picture it floating away from you on a cloud.

Tell your then self (say out loud) “You do not have to carry these sad heavy feelings any longer, they are not for you to worry about anymore” “I declare that I will no longer carry these icky sad feelings of not being good enough, because I am good enough, and I have always been good enough…and so it is!”

Picturing and feeling where these feelings started from are huge. You can erase all of the triggers that you have acquired from that moment by going to that moment and owning the pain, and then releasing it. 

This is one way I help clients to get to the root of problems so you can move on once and for all, erasing all of the triggers as you progress. 

This is a huge part of releasing and making room so that you can find your best self this lifetime and live your best life every day.

Always remember that you are good enough, and you have always been good enough. If something does not resonate, you are not on your path. Keep your heart pure and your mind open and your path will come to you. If something feels right it is right. If something does not make sense to you, it is someone else’s agenda and not for you. 

You Are Good Enough…You Have Always Been Good Enough :)


Here’s to your health…





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