How do you feel when you wake up in the morning?
Are you grateful that you woke up breathing...with the gift of another day full of opportunity and adventure?
If you answered F*#! Yes! To this question, then chances are you have pretty kick ass consistent morning routine!
If not, listed below is a good place to start to feel better with your mornings.
Either way, I know you will receive some goodness from this post...enjoy :)
A good morning routine is crucial to the outcome of your day.
Consistent good nutrition, fitness, and a good healthy sleep schedule are all part of the overall equation to your best self as well. Here is a past blog post on ways to get better sleep:
How to get Limitless sleep blog post
Now let's concentrate on getting your body, mind and soul in alignment for the day.
I have a pretty Limitless protocol that I have used for some time, and I can’t wait to wake up and do it every morning!
It took me a while to add all of these tools to my wellness toolbox, so do what is within your budget and ability, and appreciate and Love yourself where you are at. For example, if you can’t hang from a pull-up bar for 1 minute, consistently hanging for 15 seconds will build you up to a minute, be patient.
And meditation is free, that is in everyones budget :)
You will gradually build your wellness protocol adding and taking away different things.
Everyone is different so things will resonate with some better than others, do what feels good to you.
Here is my current morning wellness protocol:
After a consistent night of good sleep (same bed time, same wake time daily)
I wake up to my “natural awakening” alarm clock. This alarm clock uses gradual light to simulate sunlight to wake you up.
It starts at a dim level ten minutes before your desired wake up time gradually getting brighter with every minute toward your alarm time. At the time you set, the”sun” is at its brightest, and you start to hear the sounds of birds chirping.
Although this is simulated sunshine and birds it helps maintain my circadian rhythm, meaning that my body thinks the sun is up and we are starting our day. I Love this alarm clock!
It is an epic way to start every day. It also enables you to get your phone or device away from your sleep area if you were previously using it for an alarm clock.
My iPhone is now on airplane mode, and it lives at the door to the bedroom while we sleep. No devices equals way better sleep! I can put truth in this statement for sure.
I have slept so much better since I incorporated this “natural” light and sounds into my life of wellness.
Here is a link to this amazing alarm clock.
After waking up I drink 10-20 ounces of clean filtered, and then remineralized water.I make my way to the kitchen and get my cup of organic black coffee with 30ml of the herb holy basil added, you can also use Tulsi if you wish, this takes away the “jittery” effects of the caffeine.
A few sips of coffee later I head for my morning bowel movement. Consistent restroom times help to keep your body on schedule :)
I then head to the wellness room . This is our designated sacred space for self healing... mmmmmm :)
I start with my neck traction device (see the pictures it will make sense).
This device helps to restore neck mobility and relieve pain in the neck and upper back. This device helps to improve/maintain the “natural curve” in your neck.
It helps to stretch your neck and upper back muscles and ligaments, and keep mobility and range of motion of your neck.
Only two to three minutes is required daily to get the benefits of this wonderful tool.
See the link below for full details:
I then fire up my Joovv (red light therapy) and start my meditation and morning gratitude session.
I do ten minutes on my front side, and ten minutes on my backside.
I did a full blog post previously on the benefits of red light therapy, also on meditation. Click on the links below to read the full benefits of both.
Blog on the benefits of red light therapy
Blog on the benefits of meditation
I will also include a link for Joovv. They are innovators in the red light therapy world and offer products to fit any budget.
After getting Joovvy I head to the pull up bar to do some passive arm hang stretches. It sounds fancy, but essentially you arm hanging from your arms with an overhand grip with your feet of the floor so the you are using your full body weight.
The benefits of these stretches are:
Improved upper body stability and flexibility
Better bodyweight movement and strength
Shoulder stability and health
Improved grip strength
Decompression of the vertebra and discs
Better posture
A few tips to remember while doing these to get the full benefit are:
Position your arms a little bit wider than your shoulders.
Keep your spine and body straight. Engage your legs, pelvic floor, and core muscles, but don’t lift up-relax into the stretch with muscles engaged. Keep your neck and head relaxed and your gaze facing forward.
I perform three sets of these deep hand stretches with one “rep” being 60 seconds long. If you have to work up to 60 seconds no big deal. Start at what a good number is for you, and work up to where you want to be.
Remember to Love yourself where you are at, and be patient and consistent.
I made my pull up bar system, but I will post a link below for a good pull up bar you can install in a door way in your home.
After my three sets hanging on my pull up bar I move to the inversion table...ahhh :)
I spend ten to twenty minutes a day being inverted.
Remember that everyone is different and you may have to work up to this time, just like I did.
Start at a few minutes and see how you feel. If this feels good progress to five minutes a day for a week or two, moving to ten minutes, etc. Do what feels good to you.
The many benefits of this wonderful tool include:
Improve fitness and build core strength
Increases flexibility
Improve joint strength
Ease stress
Relax tense muscles
Realign the spine
Reduce nerve pressure
Rehydrate discs
Provide a sense of calm for the mind and body.
Here is a link for the inversion table we use:
I end my morning session of wellness on our vibration plate/platform.
Also called a Vibeplate.
This is pretty much how it sounds. You stand on a plate/ platform while it vibrates and receive all of the great benefits from it (see picture). I do ten to twenty minutes a day.
Again start with a smaller number, and see what feels good to you.
Some of the benefits of the vibration plate are:
Feeling joint and back pain relief
Having healthier looking skin
Developing stronger bones
Increased flexibility and better balance
Improves circulation
Decrease stress
Helps with weight loss
Helps to detox your body
Remember to keep good posture, keep your body in alignment, and to not wear shoes to get the full benefits of the vibration plate.
Here is a link for a good vibration platform:
Have fun with the journey of your morning wellness protocol.
Be patient...
Be consistent...
And enjoy your life transformation...:)
Here’s to your health...
50% Complete
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