Limitless Detox Series Week Seven...Your Thyroid Is Crucial

Your thyroid is essential…let's learn how to keep it.


So what exactly is your thyroid? 

Your thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland located located between the Adam’s apple (on a man) and the sternum. It is about as thick as two credit cards. You cannot physically feel the thyroid unless there is a guider on it, or it is enlarged. (The thyroid fixer)

Every cell in your body needs thyroid hormones, specifically T3. You're thyroid also makes a hormone called T4. Every cell has a receptor for T3, but not all for T4.These hormones are released when you’re thyroid receives a trigger from your brain. These hormones are circulated around your body and trigger changes at the cellular level.

These changes help to increase energy, control your weight, and many more tasks (we will discuss more below). When you are stressed out, eating unhealthy, and living an unhealthy lifestyle these triggers to the thyroid can get out of whack.

This leads from anything from dry skin, to gaining weight and losing your hair. This is pretty wild stuff! A gland as thick as two credit cards can jack your body up…wild. 

Your thyroid is essentially the thermostat for your body. It helps to control everything from burning fat and building muscle, to hair growth and regulating your metabolism. Wow! I’d say your thyroid is super important!

The thyroid is referred to as the master gland for a reason for sure!


What are some of the main controls and issues you can have with your thyroid?

How much energy do you have?

 T3 plays a huge role in regulating you’re subjective sensitive to energy. If you wake up sluggish every morning and have to consume coffee to function, you may need to have your thyroid checked.

Is your hair falling out? 

If your hair is thinning and/ or falling out your body is receiving low amounts of thyroid hormones. The thyroid gland is is one of the many hormones and nutrients needed for you to grow and keep your hair healthy. 

Are you still gaining weight while working out and eating clean?

You guessed it…it’s your thyroid. Your thyroid gland is responsible for 60% of your your metabolism, and your basal metabolic rate. Which is the amount of calories you will burn doing just the bare minimum things to survive. 

These things include thinking, sleeping, breathing, etc. Your metabolism is a huge factor when you are trying to lose weight, and so is your thyroid since it controls your metabolism. 

Your thyroid controls other hormones:

Like we said above almost all of your cels receive the hormone T3 from the thyroid which triggers an action. 

These other hormones include estrogen, cortisol, progesterone, and testosterone. So if you are having trouble getting pregnant, you and/ or your mate may have thyroid issues. You’re thyroid also helps to maintain a pregnancy to term. 

Brain fog:

If you have trouble focusing or staying focused you my have thyroid issues. 


Your thyroid is thought to regulate your mood. A good sign is if you are taking antidepressants and you’re still depressed, you probably have thyroid issues. 

Heart rate:

Your thyroid helps to regulate your heart rate by the calcium channel pumps on your heart. 

Your heart rate should mostly be between 70-80 at rest. It is lower you may have a thyroid issue. (

How to remedy thyroid issues: 

If exercise, good nutrition/clean living, and lowering stress improve thyroid function, I would start there. Way to much now a days we subconsciously put our bodies into fight or flight almost all day long. This throws off your thyroid for sure by added stress. Remember if you are stressed out your body doesn’t know if you are running from a lion, or nervous for a test, stress on the body is stress on the body. 

Exercise: Movement is life. When you move and exercise you are keeping your body, your temple clean.

Exercise helps to move toxins, it opens your detox pathways, and puts a smile on your face. This shows that your thyroid is working well :)

Clean living and nutrition: 

I’ll say it again…your body requires clean air…clean water…and clean food to keep running at optimal health.

Think about it, you wouldn’t put cheap ass gas in a Ferrari would you? Of course not. Think of body as a Ferrari, not a chevette. 

Filtered or spring water, never tap water (chlorine and fluoride are horrible for you thyroid). Organic produce, and clean 100%grass fed/finished beef. This is a recipe for a long life :)

In my research for this blog post I came across The thyroid fixer, Dr Amie Hornaman. She is a thyroid expert and can get you the tests you need to access your thyroid right of her website and you can take them locally.

She is a wealth of knowledge of everything thyroid. If you are having or think you may be having thyroid issues, I would check out her site. 

Here is the link: Dr Aime Hornaman Website

If you are having thyroid issues and your current (western) doctor keeps upping your dosage of pills and you keep gaining weight and feel like shit it may be time for a second opinion. Try Dr Amie above, or any naturopathic doctor in your local area.

The naturopath doctor will look at more root cause of your condition instead of just pumping you full of worthless prescriptions.

Just a thought, only you know your body, and it is always talking to you.

 I hope you have enjoyed getting to know your thyroid, and wish you many happy years of living. Remember…healthy decisions lead to healthy outcomes :)


Here’s to your health…






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