The Power Of Words…
I pour a cup of coffee, I sit down, I fire up my Mac. Most of the day I have been thinking about how I wanted to start this blog post.
After all the title is “The Power Of Words”, so I pondered which words to start with. Something witty? Something funny? Something deep and knowledgable?……
Just out of curiosity I googled “what are words made of?” Heres is the answer that google retrieved.
“Written words on a page are made up of matter. Everything that takes up space is made up of matter. Written words are made up of letters of the alphabet” (Quora)
This totally made sense and resonated with me.
So I then googled the definition of matter. It reads “physical substance in general, as distinct from mind and spirit; (in physics) that which occupies space and possesses rest mass, especially as distinct from energy”.
The major take away I received from the above research above is that words are matter, and matter is energy. So…words are energy? You bet they are!
Lets dig into that,
Words are energy yes, but also audible thoughts and emotions. When you tell someone you love them, you are audibly sharing the emotion of love. When you are fighting with another you are sharing the emotion of anger and/or frustration. Love equals a good energy, anger and frustration get filed under the icky energy column in my book. A few letters put together to form a certain string of hurtful words can be very damaging.
Especially to the young and impressionable. Children take things more literally and don't have the comprehension skills of an adult yet.
So icky words can scar a child pretty easily. No body likes to feel icky, especially children. So be nice to the everyone, especially kiddos :)
If we can all just put some thought into are words before we speak them, this would help a lot. There are four simple rules to think of before you make a statement.
They are…
And thats it, pretty cut and dry really. I try to analyze every statement with these four rules before I speak. My life has improved ten fold since I started this practice.
I have let go of all negative energy, thus not drawing negative energy back in.
I only speak the truth, even if it is not what someone wants to hear.
That being said, I am always kind and encouraging with my statements, not judging and icky. If something doesn't need to be said, I refrain from saying it.
Is it necessary? If someone is having self doubt, or going through a hard time, maybe they need you to listen to them vent, not interrupt and tell stories about how you’ve been through a similar situation…only worse! Be a good listener as well, sometimes it is not necessary to speak.
If we would all help each other out instead of trying to put each other down to make ourselves feel/look better, the world would operate on love instead of fear and hate.
Meaning…when you don’t understand something, something different than what you know, you have a choice.
You can be open and understanding, and be nice. Or you can react in fear, which can quickly lead to hate because you don’t understand something. And in your subconscious if you don’t understand something, it must be wrong or bad.
Or you can remain silent ( is it necessary?) and just smile.
Be Nice…:)
I Love the phrase “ I am only better than the person I was yesterday…no one else”.
We are all equal, and trying to do the best we can. Sometimes we fall, sometimes we are the hand reaching down to pull another up.
If each and everyone of us is a little more mindful of THE POWER OF OUR WORDS…the world will be a much nicer place to live…
One world…One Love…
Heres to your good health…
50% Complete
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