How To Be The Light In A World Of Seemingly Darkness

How To Be The Light In A World Of Seemingly Darkness…



We could take a lot of different avenues with this blog post…and we will be careful not to get trapped in any rabbit holes.


 I will also try to keep my opinions out of the text as well.


I will state observations I have made from years of life experience, and from quietly observing others.


This blog post is not political…It is not pro or anti anything.


We Love everyone here at Limitless health and energy. We embrace all races, sexes, and believe Love is Love...not a sexual preference. 

One world..One Love...:) 


It is merely a tool in your tool box to bring self awareness, and to live your best life without outside bullshit messing it up for you…Enjoy…:)



Here are the topics we are going to cover:


  1. Awareness: The first step to anything is awareness. If you are not aware of an issue or a problem, a way you are acting, or something making an impact on your life, etc, then you cannot do anything about it. 
  2. Influence: Once you have raised your awareness, you will start to see who and what you are letting influence your life. 
  3. Emotion: It is a natural occurrence to let emotion sneak in with every decision we make. It is how we are marketed to every day from the media and outside sources. We will discuss how important it is to “keep your feelings out of it”. And why making major life decisions without emotion attached is so important. 
  4. Taking your power back: I am guilty myself of giving my power away, and letting others make decisions for my life..not anymore :) It’s time to take your power back and do what feels good to you. 



There are so many topics we could cover under this title, but we will start with these for now. This is a blog post, not a book :)



Let’s start with awareness…


So by now we are all aware that this world can be imperfect.  We are aware that everyone is different in many ways, and that everyone makes decisions with different priorities. 


And this is perfectly natural and perfectly ok. If we were all the same what fun would that be. 

In acknowledging this difference we sometimes forget that some people out there don’t carry the same moral standards and goodness that we have in our hearts.


And this is perfectly fine as well, as long as you are aware of it. 


The same people that protest on the corner by the mall for equality, lock their doors before going down a certain street that is known not to be in the best neighborhood because of fear. 


If expelling your energy on a Sunday afternoon with your class mates holding a sign by Starbucks makes you feel better, than sweet! Enjoy your Sunday and latte.


If you really want to bring awareness to a situation start at the root, stop in the neighborhoods where you lock your doors and talk to locals, see how you can start at the root of the problem to help.



It may not be as fun as posting selfies holding signs, but I bet you will be making a real difference if you are truly interested in helping others. 




Oops…I almost went down a rabbit hole with that one…thanks for pulling. Me back in…:)


Let’s dive into influence.


There can be many influences on the decisions you make, how you live your life, who you hang out with, etc. Some sources include family, friends, coworkers, social media, tv, etc.


And a lot of people let these sources make a lot of decisions in their lives that effect way more than it seems on the surface. 


Lets unpack this a little…


Big corporations have teams of marketing experts that only have one job, make you feel a certain way to buy their products (which are normally bad for you anyway, thats why they have these teams).


They spend billions of dollars each year telling how to feel through sources like television, radio, billboards, etc. Is it Miller time yet? You see what Im saying…I don’t need a billboard to tell me that I have to drink a gluten filled can of icky just because its Friday and I have worked hard all week.


Do you feel pissed off yet?

I know I sure was once I finally raised my awareness and stopped letting outside sources make decisions for me, tell me how to feel, and what I was afraid of.


These sources want you to be in constant fight or flight so you cannot think for yourself. What a fucked up way to thank you. Something will eventually give, and it will be your health. 


Ways to remedy this: Research the source and motives of the entity telling you what you should or should not be doing or feeling. 

Do what feels good to you, follow your intuition.


Make the best decisions you can at the time about your health.

If you are wicked overweight, eating fast-food every day, and still wondering why you are overweight, then this is not the best decision you can be making with your nutrition…you follow me?


Clean air…clean food…and clean water is all your body requires, this is a great simple starting place to base your health decisions from. 


Stop being around negativity all of the time. 


Turn the news off and help your elderly neighbor with her garden…follow me?

If your environment is all negative…change it. You can change so much with just one decision at a time. 

Start being the change you want to see in the world…

this is truly




How about emotion?…

Holy cow..our emotions can easily effect everything we do if we let them. 

As humans we are emotional creatures. Happy, sad, worried, lonely, loving, etc.

Our emotions can effect how we breathe, what and when we eat, if we get drunk (we have all been there), if we purchase a new home…etc.


If you live in constant negativity or “doom and gloom” something or someone is always around the corner waiting to hurt you. “I can’t afford a new car and my piece of shit just broke down again”.


Let’s unpack that example. As soon as  “I can’t” came out of your mouth, you were confirming to your self what you were thinking.


You can’t afford a new car, what a martyr…life has been so tough for you because of all the decisions people make around you…not for the ones you have made…you are obviously the victim...You see what I did there?...:) 

As soon as you say out loud you can’t  do something, you officially can’t. Words are a powerful tool, use them as such, for the better of your life. 


If one of my clients came to me with this issue, I would help them unpack the problam by using this protocol:


The problem: 

Your car is no longer reliable, and instead of dumping money into it, you would like to trade it info a more reliable vehicle. Preferably newer with fewer miles. 


Sweet! Now we now where you want to end up, so what are the steps you feel you need to take to get there?

“More money”…

Sweet! We could all use a few more dollars in our pocket. So what are doing to make more money? Are you just complaining about your life without making any changes to help you achieve your goals? 


The moral of this is don’t let your emotions live your life for you.

You feel like a victim with a shitty car that you have never done any upkeep on, but feel better when you make a social media post telling everyone about it, and how shitty your life is, and they reply with remarks telling you how you are the victim and it is not your fault. It is your fault…you did not keep up with the maintenance and ran it out of oil.


And if you want to make more money, be worth more money to your employer or find a better profession that really resonates with you.

I’m not sounding shitty, but you have to be realistic and be in control of your emotions, or there will be in control of you for sure…





So now it is time to take your power back!!!

You are in charge of you…period. Not the news…not political figures…not college kids protesting in the TJ Max (I love this store by the way :) parking lot…not super corporate marketing firms that don’t give a fuck if you live or die…YOU ARE IN CHARGE OF YOU!


Ways to get your POWER back: Be healthy, mentally physically, emotionally, and energetically. Good health lets your body and mind relax.


You are not putting all of the processed sugar and bad chemicals and carbohydrates into your body literally clogging your cells and leading you to an early exit for sure. 


Meditate, calm your mind and slow down the outside world for a minute. Get to know you again. Who you still are, but only feel lost with all of the distractions you have created in your life. 



Get outside…walk barefoot in the grass. Connecting back with mother nature is epic! And a requirement for sure. 

TURN OFF THE NEWS! I stopped watching tv years ago when I noticed it was all negative news…and it made me feel negative. These corporate channels pump you full of negativity and fear trying to make you feel a certain way and abide by their agenda. Be aware of it.


They will do do anything for ratings. Stage events, overemphasize things that don’t really matter just to trigger a response, etc. Just be careful and follow your intuition, not what you are being told to feel. 

And be aware of the FDA's motives. They are pay-rolled by big pharmaceutical companies to keep approving their poisonous toxic drugs. Their "studies" are profit driven, don't believe them.

Be aware of the whole western healthcare model in general. They only profit if you are sick...remember that.

Make healthy decisions one at a time…meaning you can change your life for sure, but if try to much change all at once it is not sustainable and you will default back into your comfortable bad decision making ways. 


Start small…try to stop drinking soda for example. And be patient with yourself doing this. Say you drink 12 sodas a day, set a realistic goal to be down to 8 a day by the end of the first week.


And maybe 6 a day by the second week, etc. You can do anything you put your mind to as long as you are patient and consistent. 




Never forget that…


Never loose your Light…


Shine on…









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