Build A Limitless Immune System...Naturally

Build A Limitless Immune System…Naturally





It seems everyone wants a stronger immune system…do you?


I bet so or you wouldn’t be reading this right now. 



Do you really want a stronger immune system? Or does seem like a far off place you’ve only heard about? 


A clever marketing tool used by supplement companies to sell their miracle powders?


I will lay out several avenues to boost your immune system naturally, but you are the one that has to do the work.



The one that has to put down the French fry and the super sized diet coke…you follow me?


Everyones dreams of being healthy, but never takes any action steps to make that happen. And then act surprised when they contract  some disease or virus. Seems crazy right?…


Most Disease is a result of years of bad decisions.


 Almost everything is preventable with good healthy consistent decisions. 


Patience and consistency is the key. Also being proactive with your health, not reactive.


And for sure don’t rely on western medicine, they want to keep you sick so you will keep taking their bullshit medicine and making them billions a year. I can’t believe this is not illegal. Western medicine is good for trauma only (broken bone, etc). 



All their pills do is bandaid the problem until you take an exit from this world, they do not start fixing the problem at the root. 



That is where we come in…We unpack everything down to the root of the problem or situation. This is the only way you can truly address or better any situation or problem.


So be patient, be consistent, and Love yourself…:)


Lets get to building your immune system…



Below I will list the main tips for boosting your immune system, and we will then do some unpacking…We have several blog posts on some of the different tips, if one is available I will put the link below the tip. 



Use colloidal silver every day

Colloidal silver for a Limitless immune system



Don’t eat processed or super processed food

Ditch The Drive Through: The Truth About Fast Food



Don’t drink soda or energy drinks

Stop Drinking Soda And Energy Drinks! Why And How these Sugar Filled Shit Bombs Are Slowly Killing You



Eat more whole foods (organic vegetables and fruits, etc)



Eat clean grass-fed beef and nitrate free organic meats



Drink clean water (reverse osmosis, spring water etc).

The Truth About Plastic And Bottled Water...Stop Clogging Your Body

The Importance Of Water...Mother Natures Gift To A Healthy Life



Manage stress levels

Believe In Yourself...Accomplish Anything

How To Be The Light In A World Of Seemingly Darkness



Stay hydrated 



Exercise regularly 



Limit sugar



Don't smoke



Drink alcohol in moderation, if at all



Get enough good sleep (and get good sleep)

Seven Ways To Limitless Sleep



Maintain a healthy weight 



Use common sense (wash your hands, etc) :)




Here is a list of foods that naturally boost your immune system:


Organic/clean Shellfish: Shellfish are packed full of zinc. Or you could take a zinc supplement if your not a shellfish fan. 


Organic/clean Poultry: Chicken and turkey is high in vitamin B-6, which has a crucial role in the chemical reactions in the body. It is also vital in the formation of new healthy red blood cells. 


Organic Kiwi: Kiwis are full of many essential nutrients including folate, potassium, vitamin K, and vitamin C.


Papaya: Papaya is fruit that is also packed full of vitamin C. You can double your daily “needed” (don’t trust the FDA, listen to your body) value of vitamin C with one Papaya. 


Organic Green tea: Green tea is full of flavonoids, an antioxidant. Green tea also has another super powerful antioxidant epicallocatechin gallate (EGCG). This antioxidant has been shown to help enhance immune function. Green tea also sources the amino acid L-theanine which is believed to help in the germ-fighting compounds in your t-cells. 



Organic Tumeric: We knew that turmeric was good for inflammation and rheumatoid arthritis, but who would have guessed that curcumin (which gives turmeric its color) can help decrease exercise-induced muscle damage. It also shows promise to be an immune booster as well. 




Organic sunflower seeds: Sunflower seeds are full of essential nutrients. Included are vitamin E, vitamin B-6, magnesium, and phosphorus. 



Organic almonds: Almonds contain a high amount of vitamin E, which is a fat soluble vitamin. Almonds are also full of good fats so this is a win win for you. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant and key to a healthy immune system. 



Organic yogurt: You can find organic yogurt that contains “live and active cultures”, I like the coconut fermented yogurt myself. These cultures stimulate your immune system and help fight disease. Make sure you stay away from the yogurts packed full of bullshit and sugar, processed fruit, syrups, etc. These are all icky. Organic yogurt is also full of vitamin D, which helps regulate your immune system. It also is thought to boost your body’s natural disease fighting defenses. 



Organic Spinach: Spinach is rich in vitamin C. It is also full of many antioxidants and beta carotene. Both may increase the infection fighting ability of your immune system. When spinach is lightly cooked it is easier to absorb the vitamin A, this also allows for nutrients to be released from oxalic acid, an antinutrient. 



Organic ginger: Ginger may help decrease inflammation, which can reduce inflammatory illness such as a sore throat. Ginger might also posses cholesterol lowering properties, and decrease chronic pain. 




Organic garlic: Garlic has been recognized for along time as an infection fighter. The immune boosting power found in garlic is because of a heavy concentration of sulfur-containing compounds, such as allicin. 



Organic Broccoli: Brocolli is full of minerals and vitamins. It is full of vitamins E, C and A. It is also a good source of fiber and antioxidants. Broccoli is one of the healthiest vegetables you can eat. 



Organic red bell peppers: A red bell pepper has three times the amount of vitamin C as an orange, thats pretty wild right? These peppers are also a great source of beta carotene. Your body uses the vitamin C to boost your immune system and maintain healthy skin. Your body converts the beta carotene to vitamin A which keeps your skin and eyes in good health.



Organic citrus fruits: These fruits are high in vitamin C which helps in the production of white blood cells which are essential to fighting infections. Almost all citrus fruits are high in vitamin C. 

Here is a list of citrus fruits:







(health line)




Your body will build up your immunity to outside threats if you let it. You have to expose yourself to these elements for this to happen though. By this I mean, walk barefoot through the grass, or at the beach. Don’t use hand sanitizer at all (that shit is all chemicals and horrible for you) breath in and out (don’t let fear contribute you to wearing a mask that does not work, and only lowers your immune system),etc. 


Get outside…reduce stress…turn off the negativity on television…do yoga…eat clean…be mentally…physically…emotionally…and energetically healthy :)


These are great steps to an Awesome quality of life…


We are here to help you on your journey…


Nutrition...Fitness...Mental and energetic blocks...we are here to help :)


We genuinely care and want you to be your best self...:)


No bullshit...:)


Check out the website….Link below

Limitless health and energy website



Make your decision to be healthy today…right now…healthy decisions lead to healthy outcomes…


Here’s to your health…












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