"Believe In Yourself...Accomplish Anything"...

Believe In Yourself…Accomplish Anything…



Sounds easy enough right?…


Maybe it is?…


Let’s dig in and find out how! :)


We all see the signs after a natural disaster or some kind of tragic event …”We believe in _____(insert local town or city), or “ ______( insert name, town, state, etc) Strong”.


And this is great. It helps people feel better about the current icky situation by belonging to a group or tribe and not feeling left out or have to feel with emotions they can’t handle by themselves.


And that is perfectly fine if that is what you need too deal with something. 


But what if you “Believed” or were “Strong” with yourself, and it didn’t take an event or someone else telling you that you were?

Sounds Epic to me!


We will discuss how to Believe and be strong with yourself in this blog post today. 

Here is the roadmap we will take and the topics we will discuss to truly Believe in yourself and your strength:


Get rid of the negativity:

Don’t create distractions:

Live clean:

Listen to yourself, don’t let people tell you how you feel:



Be in your power:




Lets start with getting rid of the negativity…


We have all heard the saying that two things cannot occupy the same space…and this is true.

 Think about it…use the cup holder in your vehicle for an example. 


If you already have a container in this space, you are not going to be able to put something else in the same cup holder right? 

This principle applies to all things in life. If you feel sad all of the time…there is no room for happy.

If you are worried all of the time…there is no room for fulfillment.

If you live in fear..you only attract more fear…there is no room for safety.

You follow me?…

By getting rid of the negativity in your life you are making room for the positivity everyone longs for but always seems out of reach. It is within your reach now…will you grasp it?


I did a full blog post on detoxing your life I will put the link here. There is a lot of good detoxing truth in it…:)



Don’t create distractions…

It is always easier to look at someone else’s life versus our own. As a society we do this every day. 


Passing someone walking into the gas station, a coworker you speak with in the break room, someone walking in front of your vehicle at a cross walk, etc. 



You pick up what I’m putting down?…

We are taught how to be this way from such a young age, it is so sad. 


Society does not want you to think for yourself, if you do you will not be a worker bee that is required to keep the world running so they can get rich of our your efforts, as you are “getting by”. 



It seems pretty unbalanced right? 



So early on we are taught to “create distractions” so we don’t think for ourselves. So we feel less than, so we hang on to achieving  a dream but it always seems out of reach.


It is because you are creating distractions, excuses, reasons that you did not succeed you can tell people so you don’t feel like a failure.


I’ve been there too, it is an icky place to be.


I am longer there…and it feels Fucking amazing!


Once you take back control of your life…you are in charge of you …

…let’s see how…:)



Living clean:


Clean air, clean water, and clean food is all our physical body needs to sustain in this lifetime.

To thrive and have the highest quality of life you can, here are some tips and methods I pulled from my protocol, they work…:)


Eat all clean foods: Buy organic vegetables, grass fed, pasture raised, nitrate and hormone free meat, etc. And yes you can afford it, it is not expensive to eat healthy, you have to make it. Stop eating out, and use this money to buy clean food, you will save money by eating at home for sure. 


Drink clean water: Never trust your water source, meaning tap water, etc. Filter your water, or drink spring water. You can install a reverse osmosis filter system super cheap and easy. 

Here is the link for the one I bought from amazon.



Clean air: Don’t smoke. If you do, come up with a plan to quit, commit to it, and yourself by quitting. There is nothing healthy or good about smoking. 

Be cautious of the chemicals you come into contact with or breath in. Use safety protocols for these chemicals.

Example: I even wear gloves when I fuel up my diesel truck. It probably wouldn’t hurt one or two times to get some fuel on my hands, but think about every fuel up for twenty or thirty years?

Yeah…I’ll keep wearing my gloves. I like my cells to detox, not get clogged from icky outside sources, especially when I can control the situation. 




Listen to yourself, don’t let other people tell you how to feel:


Yes! Yes! Yes!


This is the prime source of someone telling you how to feel and think, and definitely not letting you think for yourself.


I haven’t watched the news or tv in general for years and I so much more balanced, happy, and truly in tune with myself and my power.


I know you are going to probably continue watching tv, and that is ok if it works for you.


Just tap into your awareness, be aware that someone is telling you a certain thing, in a certain way, trying to trigger an emotion, to make you think and feel a certain way, to have the reaction they want, to keep you distracted from thinking for yourself. 


Whew…that was a lot of someone telling you how to feel right!


Just remember, as long as you are aware of a situation, you are in control of it, you can choose to participate, or to move on to a better way of living. 

Awareness is the first step to change. 


Lets see how you can tap into, and BE IN YOUR POWER…


By doing all of the above you have landed here, to be in your power, in touch with yourself.


You have detoxed our life, got rid of all of the bullshit negativity and distractions.

You have cleaned up your nutrition and water, and the air you breathe. 

You have turned off the fucking news, and are thinking and feeling for yourself.


You have created the positive environment for you to be in your power. 

You are in control of your environment…You are in charge of you..YOU ARE IN YOUR POWER…:)


Awareness and being present will keep you in your power.


Awareness of every breathe, every thought, every situation, everyone and their motives. 


Being present with every breathe, every task, every situation, every emotion…good and bad…breathe through and release the bad, don’t bury the bad deep inside.  



Tools for your toolbox:

Clean Nutrition 

Working out




Quiet and calm environment

Proper good sleep


If you truly believe in yourself…you can truly accomplish anything.

You have to feel as though it has already happened. 

If you want to heal yourself, you have to embrace the feeling of being healed and healthy. 

Take Dr Joe Dispenza for example. He broke his back in an accident and knew if he had back surgery he would never be the same.


So he rebuilt his spine in his mind, slowly and consistently, and truly believed in his power to heal himself…and he did it! 

He is more healthy now with no surgery  or western medicine.

Create a clean toxic free place in your body and mind,  and it will heal itself.

Believe in Yourself…

Believe in your Power…

Believe in Your Light…


Here’s to your health…











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