A Stronger Core Leads To A Better Quality Of Life
It’s pretty much that easy. What I mean by that is there are a lot of good decisions that go into a stronger core. There is also self-discipline, mental and spiritual growth, getting self limitations out of your way, and a great general sense of overall wellbeing.
When you start improving any part of your life everything follows along. Especially your mental and physical body. When your body is healthy it is not working as hard. Think about it, there is enough toxins in the air we breath day in and day out that the body has to detox.
Think of all the chemicals that we put onto and into our body every day that has to be detoxed as well. Perfume, non-natural deodorant, hand sanitizer (this is horrible for you by the way), chemical ridden lotions, etc.
So your body is working so hard all ready to detox all of this, let’s throw in poor nutrition choices…holy cow your body is screaming now!!! Your body can only handle so much icky for so long before something has to give.
This breaking point is usually an ambulance ride to the emergency room. No thank you. The key factors to a healthier core (which equals a healthier you) is good nutrition choices, a great attitude, and an epic workout that is cutting edge and gets results. Let’s unpack each one.
You have heard the saying a six pack is made in the kitchen, it also takes physical movement, but nutrition is a huge part of fueling your body. A high fat lower carb nutrition plan is a high vibe way to eat for sure.
Carbs have their place, good carbs anyway (sweet potato, organic black rice, etc). Carbs are best eaten at the end of the day for your last meal before bedtime, And this is only according to your physical output for the day and how you are feeling. I “re-feed” carbs about every other day, never two days in a row though.
Here is what works for me: I intermittent fast Tuesdays and Thursdays, Saturday and Sunday for at least 16 hours. Thus is huge, it gives your body a chance to reset. If you're not sure about intermittent fasting, here is the link for the blog post we covered on it.
I eat high fat all day on the other days. And I will usually re-feed good carbohydrates Wednesday and Friday/Saturdayish, depending on how I am feeling. Listening to your body is the key here. Stop eating grains also.
The “healthy grains” are all genetically modified BS only to get huge profits from the manufacturers, the only thing you get from grains are clogged up cells. Gross. Start phasing bread out go your nutrition.
Any store bought bread is not good for you. If you must phase yourself off of bread find a local gluten-free baker that makes keto bread, this will help you get off of the whole wheat/ bread addiction.
There are so many chemicals in modern day grains that people do get addicted to it, it’s no one’s fault but the company’s making the garbage food.
A Good Attitude Leads To a Better You…
So true. Like attracts like. What I mean by this is that if you are stressed out and react negatively to everything, or always are down on yourself, that is what you will keep attracting into your life.
Henry Ford had a great quote that went something along the lines of “ Whether you think you can, or think you can’t—your right”. What a powerful statement. If you think you can do something you will find a way to accomplish it. If you think you can’t do something, you will start making excuses for yourself.
Statements like, I always wanted to try yoga, but I’m too heavy now. I have worked with fellow yoga instructors that are way heavier than me, and way more flexible than me. This is just and example, the point is to not make excuses to yourself. If you are around negativity most of the time, you may have to change your environment.
One thing is guaranteed to happen when you raise your vibration (improve your attitude), people in your life will either level up with you, or try to keep you at a low vibration where they are at. It is usually the second because it is easier. It is hard work at first to get the icky out you your life.
The negative influences that only bring you down to their level so they will not have to look within at themselves. Misery loves company. It took me many years to slowly chip away at all the icky in my life. But I was consistent and never lowered my vibration at all costs.
Today I wake up full of energy everyday and I am excited for the opportunity to live each day. Each breath is truly a gift :)
A great workout program ties it all together…
Let me introduce you to Stabilacore! Stabilacore is a 12 week cutting edge body toning core strengthening path to Awesome! There are three tiers to the program which include beginner, intermediate, and pro. So no matter where you are on your journey you have a starting point in Stabilacore!
Stabilacore is launching February 26th, 2021. Click the link below for full details and a sneak peak at this cutting edge, weight loss results driven workout plan…Stabilacore!
You can see what all is involved now in strengthening your core. All of the good decisions and Love for yourself and others.
You got this, be patient, be consistent, and live your best life :)
Here’s to your health,
50% Complete
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